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Sometimes it’s hard to change


Put up in my brain

Telling me I can’t do this

Telling me I can’t do that

Run away run away run away

Until I can’t go back

(Until, I, can’t, go, back)



quiet but loud enough


Enough to stop my heart

I stop doing this

I stop doing that

Run away run away run away

Now I can’t go back


This time or next time

I just hope I get sometime


To go back, lean forward

It hurts my head but it’s good for my heart

To go back, lean forward

It won’t be easy but the 8th time is the charm


Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa

Manawanui i ngā taumahatanga


Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa

Te whakapono tūmanako me te aroha



Octopus - a translation


Don’t die like an octopus go out like a shark

Persevere through the hards times


Don’t die like an octopus go out like a shark

With faith hope and love

Ka rongo i ngā roimata o Rangi

Ka oho te wairua i te wehi

Ka hoki ngā mahara ki mua

Ki te tīmatanga o te ao mārama


Mai te rangi ki te whenua

He tuna e huna ana

I te ataata

O te manawa

He tuna e huna ana

Ka whakawarea e te tuna 

Ka hīrautia he pārurenga

Ka toromi i te whakamā

I te maharatanga o ngā hapa katoa

Kua murua ngā hara

Me mātou e muru nei

Kaua e whakawarea

Hāpaitia, whakaorangia



Eel- a translation


I hear the tears of Rangi

The spirit wakes up with excitement

The mind goes back to the beginning

To the beginning of this world

From heaven to earth

There’s an eel hiding

In the shadow

Of the heart

There’s an eel hiding 

The eel entices 

Trapping yet another victim

Drowned in thoughts of shame

Of all the mistakes made 

Sins are forgiven

As we forgive each other

Don’t tempt or be tempted

Lift up and restore

 Kaitiaki, tūpuna, tohorā nui, tohorā roa


You are always there for me

When I’m lost in the ocean you’re near me

Listening carefully

Oh brother you hear me


Kaitiaki, tuakana, tohorā nui, tohorā roa


You are always there for me

When I’m under the tall trees you’re near me

Listening carefully

Oh mother you hear me


Kaitiaki, mātua, tohorā nui, tohorā roa


Ina ka tō te rā

Ka heke te pōuriuri

Ka pōkai tōku kaha

Ka tāhurihuri


You are always there for me

When I’m lost in the ocean you’re near me

Listening carefully

Oh lover you hear me


Kaitiaki, aroha, tohorā nui, tohorā roa



Whale - a translation


Guardian, ancestors, great whale, great whale 

Guardian, older sibling, great whale, great whale 

Guardian, parents, great whale, great whale


When the sun sets

And darkness falls

My strength folds

Il become troubled 

Guardian, love, great whale, great whale

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