Come home my darling
I am here waiting for you
You set the world on fire
Lost everyone in it too
Love is your greatest intention
Your passion misunderstood
Leave it all out in the open
My love for you is secure
Rite tahi ki tō te mate
Te ngau o te aroha e
Me he ahi āritarita
E kore e tineia e
Cry in my arms little darling
Rest your head on my heart
It sings for you, boundless too
Nothing can pull us apart
Ahitūrangi tiketike
Ahikōmau ki te kōpū
Aroha nui rawa e
Aroha nui rawa e
Rite tahi ki tō te mate
Te ngau o te aroha e
Me he ahi āritarita
E kore e tineia e
Kaikōmako - a translation
Love is as strong as death
The sparks of an unquenchable fire
Highest inferno
Deepest fire
The greatest love